Consensual Hallucination ~/

"6/5 looks like flaming garbage" - Anon Reviews

~*RIP Jinteki

With ded and Cyberlife having replaced almost every link with one to lainchan, I'm creating an alternative with some actual substance. That said:

Stop by, still the schwayest place in cyberspace.

And while you're at it, dust off that IRC client, hop on #/g/punk on Rizon and say hi to "Finnfinn".

~* What the fuck is cyberpunk?

Suggesting a definition will invariably result in a shitstorm, so you should always do it stick your tiny dick in a blender.

In general, it's dystopian sci-fi, often described as "high-tech, low-life". For those who can't wipe their own ass:

If you got a hobo on designer drugs with more silicon in his body than food in his stomach and neon signs drawing more power than your mobility scooter, you're probably looking at a cyberpunk setting. Another good indicator would be huge corporations ruling the world. Basically right now.

~* Mood & Aesthetics

Grab yourself some coffee, put a new battery in that vape and sit your ass down, chummer.

~* Media

Consoom like a good drone.



*TV series and movies



Suggest more via IRC.

~* Avoid surveillance

Let your tools work for you, not for others.

*Mobile Surveillance Unit

Your primary concern should probably be making it harder for the man to spy on you. Unfortunately, the handheld communication device in your pocket is the biggest problem you have. Fortunately, you have some options.

Keep in mind that your carrier can track you as long as you have cell signal.

iOS users don't deserve privacy.


Windows and MacOS will phone home. Constantly. Use a GNU/Linux or BSD as your daily driver, maybe keep Microshit or FagOS around for compatibility. Building on that, /g/ actually has some good shit in psg threads.

~* Tools for meatspace


Because we still spend our life in it.