Consensual Hallucination ~/slang
"how do sound moar saiburrr :DDD" - Anon
Cyberpunk slang
This shit is extremely cringeworthy and if you use it IRL you deserve to be laughed at, shunned, stabbed and mercy-killed.
- User: Generic term for someone in cyberspace. Not judgmental.
- Chummer: Friend, buddy, colleague.
- Cowboy/Jockey: Rarely used, skilled programmer/admin/hacker/whateverthefuck.
- Shazbot: Noob, idiot, fool, generic insult.
- Cyberspace: If you need a definition for this, consider the rope.
- Meatspace: The real-life we all seek to escape from.
- Nootropic: Technically not slang, but rather obscure. Substances that can be used to improve cognitive abilities in healthy people, caffeine being a widespread example.
- Grinder: Someone who experiments with cybernetic augmentations. Rarely used.
- (Cyber-)Deck: Device used to access cyberspace.
- Schway: Cool, nice, amazing.
- Drokk: Metaphorical shit, opposite of schway.
- Brouzouf: Money. As in the stuff that makes the world spin.
- Drone/wageslave/wagie: Person wasting their life away earning cash by doing mindless work for a corporation without thinking twice.
- Sprawl: The grey districts of cheap apartments housing the wagies and probably you. Low-income areas with some bars, coffee shops, supermarkets.
Pretty sure I forgot a lot, drop me a message in IRC.
Avoid like the plague
This shit doesn't make sense and is even more cringe.
- Runner: This isn't Shadowrun.
- ICE: Unless you're a shazbot, you'll want to name things accurately. Use "Antivirus", "Firewall", etc.